
Queens Petit Larceny

When you have been accused of any serious crime in New York, including petit larceny, you need a lawyer you can trust. A Queens petit larceny attorney will assist you with the process of defending your rights aggressively through the courts. Petit larceny and criminal possession of property may be assigned together and it does not always mean that these are associated with a shoplifting offense. If the charges are more serious and involve being accused of taking something while in an employment or other leadership position, embezzlement charges may apply.

You need to understand how this may affect your status or your career in the United States and the right Queens petit larceny lawyer can help to evaluate your case and determine avenues to protect you.

What is Petit Larceny?

The New York penal law outlines petit larceny in New York. If you steal property that belongs to someone else, then you could be found guilty of this crime. It is outlined under the New York Penal Law 155.25. It does not necessarily involve shoplifting, however, it is often associated with such an activity.

If you leave any store in Queens without paying for the merchandise, then you will be charged with this crime. You do not even need to leave the store to be officially charged with this type of crime. Judges in New York can find that you are guilty of this crime if you have handled or possessed merchandise inconsistent with the rights of the owner. This could mean attempting to conceal property in a bag or walking past registers.

Your interpretation, backed up with the legal decisions, appropriately researched by a petit larceny defense lawyer in the Bronx can help you to develop a comprehensive defense. Whether your defense challenged the legality allegation or mitigates your conduct, it is necessary to have a defense strategy that is designed as early as possible by a petit larceny defense attorney in the Bronx. Only a lawyer who has handled these kinds of cases before can walk you through the process of how best to protect yourself. Do not make the common mistake of encountering challenges by not hiring a lawyer you can trust. There is too much on the line for your future and you simply cannot afford to let this go without a lawyer looking into the claims. You may also be assessed a desk appearance ticket in New York for violating New York penal law 155. 25.

A desk appearance ticket will only charge one crime at a time, however, by the time you get to court, prosecutors may assess multiple crimes such as criminal possession of stolen property in the fifth degree. If you choose not to show up in court on the date specified, there is a good chance that a warrant will be issued for your arrest whether you were at work, had no desire to appear or left the state.

Common Defenses to Petit Larceny

You need someone who can evaluate all the potential defenses for shoplifting or any other petit larceny crime. Remember that no one-size-fits-all defense may apply to your case and retaining a lawyer can be extremely helpful for identifying the best way to protect yourself. Don't assume that no one can help you in this situation as retaining an attorney you can trust could go a goof way towards giving you a perspective on what's involved in the legal system and how you need to protect yourself. You cannot afford to make mistakes early on in your case as this could compromise your freedom and ability to avoid a criminal record. Given that there is so much to consider, you need to hire a lawyer immediately.

Talk over the facts of the case including any violations of your rights at the time of the arrest. This can help you when it comes to protecting your interests and finding whether or not you may be able to minimize or eliminate these charges altogether. Most people who are facing any kind of petit larceny charge in Queens can benefit from the services and advice provided by an attorney.

Waiting too long to get legal help could jeopardize your future and is therefore recommended that you call an attorney immediately after an arrest. Do not allow anyone to bully you into signing a release statement or confessing to a crime until you have had the opportunity to talk things through with your lawyer.

Client Reviews
My wife and I met under some unconventional circumstances. After I had some legal problems, Mr Bilkis and his firm continually got me out of trouble. I then had his firm represented my wife and he got her out of trouble! We are still married and got our ways straightened away. We both can't thank him enough for saving our lives and our families! J.P.
I contacted Stephen Bilkis' office for an issue regarding a family member and I could not be happier with the results. I have recommended the firm to friends and family, all of whom were also ecstatic with Mr. Bilkis and all members of his staff. P.R.
I was in need of legal assistance for a very sensitive matter for a family member. I contacted the law offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC and was met with staff whose demeanor was supportive, compassionate and professional. The lawyer handling our case had many years of experience and treated us as if we were his own family. Our experience was so good, and we became so close to all of the staff and all of the attorneys who assisted us, that we consider them our extended family and continue to send them our home baked gifts for the holidays. P.A.K.
I hired Stephen Bilkis and Associates to represent me on a legal matter a few months ago and am grateful for their swift action and resolution on my behalf. I was impressed with their professionalism and would recommend them to friends and family in a heartbeat. M.B.
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