
Bronx Criminal Arraignment

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Once you have been taken into custody or received a (DAT) Bronx Desk Appearance Ticket, you will probably be wondering what your next step is in terms of handling the criminal matter at hand. Regardless if you have been arrested for drunk driving (DWI) (DUI) or DWAI or a Sex Crime, or even possession of a controlled substance aka a Drug Crime, all matters will need to be arraigned in Bronx Criminal Court. Attending this hearing may be a bit bewildering, not to mention stressful. It is advisable to seek the advice and guidance of a Bronx Criminal Lawyer from our office to help you navigate through the legal process. Our offices are conveniently located not only in the Bronx, but also throughout New York, including The Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island Queens, Brooklyn, Nassau County and Suffolk County and Westchester County.

After you are arrested/booked or after your Bronx Desk Appearance Ticket has been issued, you will be obligated to attend your Arraignment. Be aware that your Bronx Criminal Court Arraignment will be held in the criminal court building at 215 East 161st Street, near Sherman and Sheridian Avenue. Their hours for arraignment hearings are Monday to Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. (excluding DATs).

It is important to note that when you are accused of a crime, the defendant possesses a presumption of innocence regardless if it’s a Traffic Ticket for driving with a suspended license (this is not a traffic ticket or a large financial con game within a white collar crime scheme. Therefore, your New York Criminal Lawyer may advise you to plead not guilty. Once your lawyer has entered your plea, the judge will then be making some crucial decisions pertaining to your case. The primary objective of your arraignment hearing will be to determine whether you will be released from custody (ROR-released on your own recognizance), or if bail will be ordered. It is entirely up to the judge to decide this. It will be the important job of your Bronx Criminal Arraignment Attorney to convince the judge to release you, or order the least amount of bail possible. When the judge makes this ruling, he/she will be looking at certain criteria such as the severity of the crime committed, and if you have a prior criminal history. They will also address whether you have any ties to your community and therefore pose less of a flight risk. Community ties would include things like whether you own a home or property in the area, if you have family and friends nearby, and if you are employed (full time, part-time, and how long). Being accompanied by your Criminal Lawyer at this hearing is invaluable, and can have an impact on the outcome of your hearing.

This hearing can set the stage for a lengthy process ahead. As such, obtaining the advice and guidance of a Bronx Criminal Arraignment Lawyer is important. When you call the office of Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC you will receive guidance during this stressful time. Our office will provide you with a free consultation with your first appointment. Office locations are open for your convenience not only in the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn but in outlying counties such as Westchester County, Suffolk County and Nassau County. Call us for your appointment today at 800.696.9529.

Client Reviews
My wife and I met under some unconventional circumstances. After I had some legal problems, Mr Bilkis and his firm continually got me out of trouble. I then had his firm represented my wife and he got her out of trouble! We are still married and got our ways straightened away. We both can't thank him enough for saving our lives and our families! J.P.
I contacted Stephen Bilkis' office for an issue regarding a family member and I could not be happier with the results. I have recommended the firm to friends and family, all of whom were also ecstatic with Mr. Bilkis and all members of his staff. P.R.
I was in need of legal assistance for a very sensitive matter for a family member. I contacted the law offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC and was met with staff whose demeanor was supportive, compassionate and professional. The lawyer handling our case had many years of experience and treated us as if we were his own family. Our experience was so good, and we became so close to all of the staff and all of the attorneys who assisted us, that we consider them our extended family and continue to send them our home baked gifts for the holidays. P.A.K.
I hired Stephen Bilkis and Associates to represent me on a legal matter a few months ago and am grateful for their swift action and resolution on my behalf. I was impressed with their professionalism and would recommend them to friends and family in a heartbeat. M.B.
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