
Brooklyn Domestic Violence

Have you or someone you know been accused of domestic violence? You need a Brooklyn domestic violence defense attorney to step in and protect your reputation, your good name and your future from the consequences of conviction.

Unfortunately, domestic violence often involves situations that have gotten out of hand. The criminal charges may apply if you are arrested at the scene of the incident. For this reason, you need to retain a Brooklyn domestic violence lawyer immediately to protect your interests and ensure that you are not facing the severe consequences of a conviction on your record.

What makes domestic violence different from assault is that there’s a family or similar relationship between the victim and the alleged abuser in domestic violence. This might be a spouse or a romantic partner. Assault is typically charged when there is no connection between the accused and the victim. Either charge is serious and should encourage you to get the help of a lawyer immediately. Your interests need to be protected.

A domestic violence defense lawyer in Brooklyn is an important asset you can rely on over the duration of your case to give you further information about how to protect yourself and mistakes that the authorities and prosecution may have made in arresting you or managing the evidence associated with the claim.

So many high-profile cases of domestic violence are happening throughout New York and around the country that the authorities are aggressively pursuing those who have allegedly victimized someone. An experienced domestic violence attorney in Brooklyn will listen to the facts of your case and help you figure out the best way to defend yourself.

Defining Domestic Violence

There is no one crime known as domestic violence in the state of New York. You cannot be charged with domestic violence itself, rather domestic violence is a broad phrase that is used to describe violence that happens between people who have a social relationship or those who are related. It does not have to involve people involved in a romantic relationship currently or those who have previously been involved in a romantic relationship.

Anyone can become a victim or a perpetrator of domestic violence and it affects people across the board in New York. Domestic violence can include several different types of crimes such as harassment, stalking, reckless endangerment, murder, strangulation, sexual abuse, rape and assault. Furthermore, disorderly conduct charges may apply. The fact that domestic violence is often so complicated means that it may be charged at the same time as other crimes. This can lead to significant consequences if you are convicted of multiple allegations at the same time.

Punishments for Domestic Violence in Brooklyn

If you were convicted of a crime based on a domestic relationship, the punishment can range from probation to life in prison, depending on the charges. One of the least severe domestic violence charges that you may face is disorderly conduct because this is categorized as a violation by the state of New York. You may have to pay a fine of up to $250 and spend a maximum of 15 days in jail. However, the more severe the crime is classified, the more serious your penalties will be. This is why it is important to retain an experienced domestic violence defense attorney immediately to protect your interests and ensure that someone is looking out for what is best for you. If you are convicted of domestic violence related crimes that are categorized as a sex offense, you may also be required to register as a sex offender in New York. This means certain information has to be registered directly with the designated law enforcement agency and you will have to register for at least 20 years. Sometimes you will need to keep your information on the sex offender registry for the remainder of your life.

A situation that got out of control or a fight that escalated may lead to domestic violence allegation and similar crimes. For this reason, the consequences can be severe if you are charged and convicted so you should not hesitate to hire a lawyer who will work as hard as possible on your behalf to protect your interests.

Client Reviews
My wife and I met under some unconventional circumstances. After I had some legal problems, Mr Bilkis and his firm continually got me out of trouble. I then had his firm represented my wife and he got her out of trouble! We are still married and got our ways straightened away. We both can't thank him enough for saving our lives and our families! J.P.
I contacted Stephen Bilkis' office for an issue regarding a family member and I could not be happier with the results. I have recommended the firm to friends and family, all of whom were also ecstatic with Mr. Bilkis and all members of his staff. P.R.
I was in need of legal assistance for a very sensitive matter for a family member. I contacted the law offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC and was met with staff whose demeanor was supportive, compassionate and professional. The lawyer handling our case had many years of experience and treated us as if we were his own family. Our experience was so good, and we became so close to all of the staff and all of the attorneys who assisted us, that we consider them our extended family and continue to send them our home baked gifts for the holidays. P.A.K.
I hired Stephen Bilkis and Associates to represent me on a legal matter a few months ago and am grateful for their swift action and resolution on my behalf. I was impressed with their professionalism and would recommend them to friends and family in a heartbeat. M.B.
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