Staten Island Robbery

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A Staten Island Robbery Lawyer will tell you that out of all the theft charges, Robbery is one of the most serious. In New York Robbery carries significant penalties that only increase if a weapon is involved, or a Robbery victim is hurt during the commission of the crime. Penalties can be worse if you have a prior criminal record as well. If convicted you may be facing significant prison time, restitution, fines, community service and probation. If you are a loved one has been charged with Robbery, speak with a Staten Island Robbery Lawyer from our team for guidance and to ensure that your rights are protected.

In the state of New York, Robbery is the taking of money or property of another by force, or imminent threat of force. There are varying degrees of the crime, depending on whether the victim was injured and/or a deadly weapon was involved.

Third Degree Robbery (NY Penal Law 160.15) Robbery is the stealing property or money from another party under imminent threat of violence. This offense is a D felony in the state of New York.

Second Degree Robbery (NY Penal Law 160.10(1)) Second degree Robbery is the taking of property or money from another party by force, committing the crime with an accomplice, using a deadly weapon during the Robbery, or causing injury to the victim. This offense is a C felony in the state of New York.

First Degree Robbery (NY Penal Law 160.05) involves the taking the property or money of another, where someone is injured during the Robbery, where threat of force is used, or a deadly weapon is used. It is an affirmative defense to this crime if the weapon was not operational and could not be discharged. The use of this defense can bring a Robbery charge down to a lesser offense. In New York, this crime is a B felony and can bring a 25 yr. prison sentence.

A charge of Robbery should not be taken lightly, and it is important to your case to obtain legal guidance as early on in the process as possible. Speak with a qualified New York Criminal Lawyer from Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC. We will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your arrest, and the charges against you, and ensure that your rights are protected. With your first visit, we will not only give you valuable legal counsel, but also a complimentary case evaluation. If you have been charged with petit larceny, assault, shoplifting or Grand Larceny, we can help. Call us today for assistance at 800.696.9529. We have offices throughout New York including locations in Nassau County and Suffolk County on Long Island, and Westchester County. We also have offices in New York City, including locations in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

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